Published: 2017-12-30

Adolf Hitler, existence and his political victim until junuary, 1933 Dr.Suaad Rood Sheer Mohammed (PhD) Dr. Qassim Abdul Amir Waseem

سعاد رؤوف شير محمد Suaad Rood Sheer Mohammed, قاسم عبد الامير وسيم Qassim Abdul Amir Waseem


The Formula of the Name (Faael) in Plural According to the Dictionary Use

خديجة زبار الحمداني Khadija Zabar al-Hamdani

The Referential Aspect of the Quranic Text Az-Zahraa’s)Peace Be Upon Her( Speech

بان صالح مهدي الخفاجي Ban Salih Mahdi AL–Khafaji, بان صالح مهدي الخفاجي Ban Salih Mahdi AL–Khafaji

Self-confidence among the children of Riyadh (Before-during-after) Play and its relation to parental treatment methods

سجلاء فائق هاشم Sajlaa Faiq Hashim, زهراء زيد شفيق Zahraa Zaid Shafiq

Commercial Blocs Geo-economics Study

وفاء كاظم عباس الشمري Wafa’a Abbas Al-Shamary

Spinsterhood Reasons and treatments

انتصار عباس ابراهيم الحسناوي Intisar Abbas Ibrahim Al-Hasnawi

Popular Mobilization and human security In Local Society

محمد حميد علوان Mohammed Hamed Alwan

Role of Christian Wives in Elijahian Policy

سرى صالح عبد الرحمن Sura Salih Abdul-Rahman

Scientific values in the chemistry curriculum For the sixth grade scientific

موفق عبد الزهرةعبد الرضا Muwafaq Abdul Zahra Abdul Ridha

Audio Classification Based on Content Features

اياد عبدالقهار عبدالسلام Ayad A. Abdulsalam

Stream of Consciousness Technique: Psychological Perspectives and Use in Modern Novel

وئام مجيد الخفاجي Weam Majeed Alkhafaji, ساجدة اثنى عشري Sajedeh Asna'ashari

HandWritten Numerals Recognition System

امال سفيح عجرش Amal Sufuih Ajrash