الأعراب في العصر الاموي

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أ.د.جاسم صكبان علي


The islamic caliphate was against the Aarab who became Muslims and
stayed in their desert and their companies didn’t share with the Muslims to
spread Islam by Al-Jihad. The Quran attacked them in many verses except
the Aarab who accepted when the prophet called them for Al-Jihad.
The Aarab in the ummayad period were in three categories :
1. The aarab who lived in the desert ,the islamic society was very revenge
towards them. The caliphate did not gave them Al-Ataa so they were in
bad situation
2. Those who lived in the country side . they were very trouble to the
3. The third lived in the cities and worked in the trade, Dawawin and in the
The Aarab of cities some of them associated with the caliphate,
governer .they presented their activites and some of their committies. Then
their religious features become clear so most of them had changed to
beleviors instead of only Muslims. The Arab who lived in the country side worked as guides of the trade
caravans or transporter the goods by the camels. The others were working as
robbers and plunders. Most of them shared with those who were against the
caliphate as away to declare their desier to the decentralization and revolted
against the caliphate in order to gain profitables.

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How to Cite
“الأعراب في العصر الاموي”. Journal of the College of Education for Women, vol. 22, no. 3, Feb. 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/763.

How to Cite

“الأعراب في العصر الاموي”. Journal of the College of Education for Women, vol. 22, no. 3, Feb. 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/763.

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