The use of ionic pumping method for improving the performance of vacuum micro-electronic valves The use of ionic pumping method for improving the performance of vacuum micro-electronic valves

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د. سمیر خضر یاسین العاني د. باسل حمودي خضیر جنان علي عبد


The use of electronic valves is commonly available. yet, the most
common is the techniques of communications as prod casting transmitter that
are used by these valves in addition to their use in communication tools as far
distance telephone, electronic measuring techniques , and others.
In this study, an attempt is endeavored for improving the efficiency of the
vacuum micro- valves(GI-19b) through activating their internal surfaces by the
use of ionic pumping which is used for treating valves which are out of order
(because of sedimentation some materials and oxide on its poles). The
existence of these materials and oxide increase the sum of current leakage
moving in between. The use of ionic pumping method leads to direct high
voltage on the poles since the sum of the current can be largely decreased.
Besides, they are other methods for fixing valves up these valves.
The practical result of measuring current leakage of the prepared valves
proves there is improving of the measured valves; it is noticed that these
valves are far less than these before treatment. This gives a clue of the
positive effect of this method for fixing valves up.

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How to Cite
“The Use of Ionic Pumping Method for Improving the Performance of Vacuum Micro-Electronic Valves: The Use of Ionic Pumping Method for Improving the Performance of Vacuum Micro-Electronic Valves”. Journal of the College of Education for Women, vol. 21, no. 2, Feb. 2019,

How to Cite

“The Use of Ionic Pumping Method for Improving the Performance of Vacuum Micro-Electronic Valves: The Use of Ionic Pumping Method for Improving the Performance of Vacuum Micro-Electronic Valves”. Journal of the College of Education for Women, vol. 21, no. 2, Feb. 2019,

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