الاحتیاجات التدریبیة لمعلمي ومدرسي مادة التربیة الاسلامیة الاحتیاجات التدریبیة لمعلمي ومدرسي مادة التربیة الاسلامیة

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أ.د.شاكر مبدر جاسم أ.م.د جواد كاظم فھد المالكي


The teacher I the heart of the educational process and the basic mover of
the educational interaction. The good training and preparing of the teacher
refines his abilities and makes him ready for the developing and evaluating his
work continuously. due to the importance of the teacher's training according to
the recent developments in his domain, the ministry establishes the training
institutions and sessions everywhere in order to develop the level of teaching
of the educational programs designed for the subject of the Islamic education
and its various activates, and to apply the best techniques that can raise the
level of performance in training and preparing the teachers of the Islamic

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How to Cite
“الاحتیاجات التدریبیة لمعلمي ومدرسي مادة التربیة الاسلامیة: الاحتیاجات التدریبیة لمعلمي ومدرسي مادة التربیة الاسلامیة”. Journal of the College of Education for Women, vol. 21, no. 2, Feb. 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/286.

How to Cite

“الاحتیاجات التدریبیة لمعلمي ومدرسي مادة التربیة الاسلامیة: الاحتیاجات التدریبیة لمعلمي ومدرسي مادة التربیة الاسلامیة”. Journal of the College of Education for Women, vol. 21, no. 2, Feb. 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/286.

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