الاتجاھات الصحیة لمدرسي مادة الأحیاء وعلاقة أسلوبھم التدریسي بالقدرات العقلیة لطلبة المعھد الطبي التقني

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

ميعاد ناظم رشيد


The Present study aims at answering the following questions:
1-What is the level of the teaching style of biology teachers who teach (human and his

2-what is the level of healthy attitude to the teachers of biology who teach (human and his
3- is there any relation between the teaching style of biology teachers who teach (human and
his health)and their student's Ability Mind.
4- is the any relation between the level of the healthy attitude to the teachers of biology who
teach (human and his health).
The researcher made the following for the purpose of answering the question of the study:
1-The card of observing the level of the teaching style (lecture style )to the teachers of
biology who teach (human and his health).
2- The measure of the healthy attitude.
3- The measure of the Ability Mind.
The researcher could find out the psychometric needed to be applied on the sample of the
study as follows:
1-Observation card: The researcher could find out:
A-Credibility of the card: this is by displaying the on a group of exports and specialists in
the field education and psychology.
b- The card stability: this is by re-observation between the researcher and himself through
time and between the researcher and extra two observation .All the linkage coefficient
where as following: 0.9 between the researcher and himself after two weeks, 0,87
between the researcher and the observer, and finally o,88 between the two observers.
2- The measure of healthy: the researcher could find out:
a- The credibility of the measure: this is by displaying it on a group of experts and
specialists in the field of education, psychology and health.
b- The stability of the measure: this is by re-testing .All the linkage coefficients were o,
86 .
3-The measure of healthy awareness: The researcher could find out:
A-Measure Credibility: This is by displaying it on a group of experts and specialists in the
field of education, Psychology and health.
B-Measure satiability: this is by –re testing .All the linking coefficients were 0.09.
The sample of the study included 8 teachers and 95 students form daily intermediate schools
for boys in the central of najaf.the researcher could reach the following results:
1-The first aim: there two levels of the style of the lecture for teachers of biology who teach
(human and his health).
2- The second aim: All teachers of biology enjoy a high level of healthy attitudes.
3- The third aim: there is a close relationship between the teaching style level(lecture style) to
teachers of biology who teach Ability Mind and the healthy awareness to their students
.this relation is done by linking coefficients (spearman)which is 0,81.
4- The forth aim: there is a close relationship between the healthy attitude to teachers of
biology who teach (human and his healthy) and the healthy awareness to their students
.this relation is done by the linkage coefficients) spearman) which is 0, 71.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
"الاتجاھات الصحیة لمدرسي مادة الأحیاء وعلاقة أسلوبھم التدریسي بالقدرات العقلیة لطلبة المعھد الطبي التقني". مجلة كلية التربية للبنات, م 25, عدد 3, فبراير، 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/958.

كيفية الاقتباس

"الاتجاھات الصحیة لمدرسي مادة الأحیاء وعلاقة أسلوبھم التدریسي بالقدرات العقلیة لطلبة المعھد الطبي التقني". مجلة كلية التربية للبنات, م 25, عدد 3, فبراير، 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/958.

تواريخ المنشور