أثر استراتیجیة بولیا في تحصیل طالبات معھد إعداد المعلمات في مادة قواعد اللّغة العربیّة واستبقائھ

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

رائد رسم يونس


Threw this research to the following:
1 - Know the impact of strategy Puglia in the collection of the rules of the Arabic language
students at the Institute of preparation parameters .
2 - Know the impact of the retention strategy in Puglia collection rules Arabic language
students at the Institute of preparation parameters .
To verify the status Mmermaa Find researcher Elsafreeten following two hypotheses :
1 - There is no statistically significant difference between the average score for the collection
of the fourth grade students at the Institute for the preparation of material parameters who
were studying grammar strategy Puglia and average grades collectible fourth grade
students at the Institute of preparation parameters who are studying the same article the
usual way in the achievement test .
2 - There is no statistically significant difference between the average score for fourth-grade
students in the preparation of the Institute who are studying material parameters Grammar
strategy Puglia and the average scores in the fourth grade students of the Institute who set
up the parameters studying the same article the usual way to test retention .
Search by:
1 - Sets - a sample of fourth-grade students in the Department of Arabic Language Institute in
the preparation of the parameters in the province of Baghdad , Rusafa / 1
2 - Number of Topics Book Arabic grammar for students to be taught fourth grade Institutes
of preparation parameters for the academic year 2012-2013 .
3 - duration of the experiment one semester .
The sample of research ( 50) asking them to ( 25) students of the experimental group
and ( 25) a student of the control group of fourth grade students prepare parameters Institute
chose randomly .
Researcher chose a setting designs with partial test after me and the two experimental
and control groups ( experimental group used the strategy in Puglia solution grammatical
issues , and the control group , which used the method used ) .
Rewarded researcher between the two sets of research in the following variables :
chronological age / educational material in the former Arabic grammar / previous experience .
The researcher on the achievement test tool to search and extract properties
Alsekoumtria him, and used statistical methods to process the data statistically , namely:

- t- test for two independent samples (t-test).
2 - equivalent chi-square (X2).
3 - difficult equation paragraph .
4 - paragraph equation discrimination .
5 - effective alternatives erroneous equation ( Almmohat )
6 - Pearson correlation coefficient to calculate stability .
7 - Spearman Brown formula to correct the reliability coefficient .
Your search returned the following results : The results showed statistical degrees of
achievement test that the average scores of the experimental group is ( 72 ) and the average
score for the control group is ( 04,60 ) , as shown in the table (4) , and after testing the
significance of the difference between the averages using test samples t for samples
independent , results indicated the presence of statistically significant difference between the
average score for the collection of the two groups , for the benefit of the experimental group
as the value of T is calculated ( 184.2 ) is greater than the amount of tabular ( 2.01 ) , and it
rejects the null hypothesis and accept the alternative , which means that Puglia strategy have
an impact on achievement .
Taking the results showed statistical retention test scores that the average scores of the
experimental group is ( 36.70 ) and the average score for the control group is ( 72.61 ) , and as
shown in the table (12) , and after testing the significance of the difference between the
averages using t- test for two independent samples , it appeared that the difference was not
statistically significant , since the value of T is calculated ( 130.2 ) is greater than the amount
of tabular ( 01,2 ) , and therefore accept the alternative hypothesis , which means that the
strategy of Puglia her effectiveness in retaining the grammatical rule .
In light of the findings of the research can be concluded as follows:
1 . Puglia effective strategy to collect information grammatical fourth grade students at the
Institute of preparation parameters .
2 . Puglia effective strategy to retain information grammatical fourth grade students at the
Institute of preparation parameters.
In light of the findings and conclusions of the research researcher recommends the
1 . Use problem-solving strategies in the teaching of grammatical issues as an important part
and the part of the essential aspects of teaching Arabic grammar when needed.
2 . Attention to students and activate their role in resolving the more grammatical issues and
limiting the role of the teacher on the supervision and guidance when necessary.
An update on the search researcher suggests the following:
1 . Conduct a similar study of the current study and observe the impact on student
achievement and retention textured literature .
2 . Conduct a similar study of the current study in other educational stages to get to know the
impact of the strategic Puglia in the collection and retention of other categories .

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
"أثر استراتیجیة بولیا في تحصیل طالبات معھد إعداد المعلمات في مادة قواعد اللّغة العربیّة واستبقائھ". مجلة كلية التربية للبنات, م 25, عدد 1, فبراير، 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/908.

كيفية الاقتباس

"أثر استراتیجیة بولیا في تحصیل طالبات معھد إعداد المعلمات في مادة قواعد اللّغة العربیّة واستبقائھ". مجلة كلية التربية للبنات, م 25, عدد 1, فبراير، 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/908.

تواريخ المنشور