أثر استعمال القبعات الست في تنمیة المھارات اللغویة لدى أطفال الریاض

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

عدي راشد محمد


Increasing need for day after day to find ways and innovative means of
helping to educate and give children the skills of different kind, has found a
researcher on the subject of hats, six room to give children language skills
through the experience of field reconnaissance conducted on the three
children found that language skills improved, he decided to make these study.
Objectives of the study:
Understand the differences between the experimental group first (the way the
debate) and second (six caps) depending on the test post administration.
to identify the language skills of the second group according to the pre and
post test
Differences between males and females in the second group (Six Hats)
Search Tools: A measure of language skills Setup (al-Baghdadi, 2005) as well
as the positions of video when you use the hats that he created (Bono.)
Search Results:
1 - The effect of the six caps in the growth of language skills more than the
2 - there is no difference between males and females in the growth of social
2- Recommendations:
- Using the Six Hats in the education of children.
- Teacher training courses on dealing with students are encouraged to think of
scientific reasoning.
- Proposals:
- A study for the detection of speech defects in children using the six hats
- A study on the feasibility of the six hats according to the variables of time
and effort.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
"أثر استعمال القبعات الست في تنمیة المھارات اللغویة لدى أطفال الریاض". مجلة كلية التربية للبنات, م 22, عدد 1, فبراير، 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/593.

كيفية الاقتباس

"أثر استعمال القبعات الست في تنمیة المھارات اللغویة لدى أطفال الریاض". مجلة كلية التربية للبنات, م 22, عدد 1, فبراير، 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/593.

تواريخ المنشور