اضطرابات الصحة النفسية لدى اطفال الرياض

محتوى المقالة الرئيسي

انوار فاضل عبد الوهاب وفاء محمد جاسم


The goal of modern education is to achieve healthy growth of the individual and
society Since childhood is one of the most serious developmental stages in the human
identity, which is not limited to the threat to it stage the foundations of personal sound is
placed where the dimensions of the various components and based on the foregoing targets
Current Search: "Measuring the level of psychological health kindergartens"
And it included a sample search on the kindergarten children in the province of
Baghdad and achieve the objectives of research have been prepared in scale mental health and
concluded the researcher through the search results that kindergarten children suffering from
disorders in mental health, the researcher recommends the deployment of the cultural and
health awareness through the media of the importance of safety of physical and mental health
of children Riyadh The researcher suggests the work of similar studies of the current study to
the study of mental health disorders among other categories of children.

تفاصيل المقالة

كيفية الاقتباس
"اضطرابات الصحة النفسية لدى اطفال الرياض". مجلة كلية التربية للبنات, م 27, عدد 1, يناير، 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/147.

كيفية الاقتباس

"اضطرابات الصحة النفسية لدى اطفال الرياض". مجلة كلية التربية للبنات, م 27, عدد 1, يناير، 2019, https://jcoeduw.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/journal/article/view/147.

تواريخ المنشور